Eastbourne Pier

It's been a while since I posted anything to the blog, so apologies for that.

I shot this the other week at Eastbourne and if your interested here's a little behind the scenes look shot with the Iphone and edited through instagram to give it a bit more impact.

I've stared using Instagram for my iphone colour shots, I seem to have so many places online to post stuff, but when it came to sharing these little snaps I had no place for them but Instagram seems to fit just nicely.

Oh and if you want to follow me on Instagram I'm billallen_


Not the easiest of shots, the wind was gusting over 30mph right to left and the incoming wash traveled the whole distance of these cobbles with each wave.


Ive tried to shoot this location at Langney Point in Eastbourne on the UK's south coast a few times, it need the right combination of tide and a rough sea, but not to the extent that I risked being swept away, or that the camera shook too much in the wind, Saturdays conditions were quite favourable. 

Another from that day! 

Behind the scenes. 

And for those who are interested , here's a little behind the scenes shot.