Leica MK2 1935 vs IPhone 5 2013

A friend lent me his fathers 1935 Leica mk2, this piece of history had formally been owned by a reporter for the Daily Express so had done the rounds.

You forget just how much is done for you "in camera" so with each shot it's, set the asa (once), pull out the lens, use a light meter, estimate the distance, set the shutter speed, set the aperture, wind on the film,​ and shoot.

Anyway I decided to run a little test to see just what was achievable and unachievable with two cameras  ​78 years apart.

​For the Leica  I used Ilford FP4 125iso b&w film, and for the post process on both it was Lightroom 3.

After b&w conversion in LR3, I gave the leica images a little noise filtration and cropped the IPhone images to roughly the same, then some minor vignette, contrast and levels on both.​

Although by no means a scientific experiment the results were quite interesting and the smoother less detailed shots from the Leica I preferred. ​

Has photography really advanced that much, we still the same light source, that big bright one in the sky and although gear is far better technically , is that always so important?











The new FUGIFILM X100S

Well I’ve been promising myself the X100 as my “take anywhere camera" for some time, so you can imagine my delight that dear old Fugi have decided to bring out the X100S.


Not only is it the coolest looking retro point & shoot I’ve seen in a long time, it is also a serious bit of kit.

Twice the shooting speed 10fps as opposed to 5fps, and shutter lag down to 0.01secs.

Higher resolution 16MP instead of 11MP.

ISO upt to 25,600 from 12,800.

Longer battery life.

Video quality 1080 (60fps) against 720p (24fps).

The X100S has the CMOS11 sensor, the same as in the XPRO1 and improved auto focus (that was always a contentious point), making it the “worlds fastest” at 0.08secs!

With 70 improvements over the X100 I’m not going to list them all, I’ll just leave you the link here: FUGI X100S

It looks like the X100S is going to be available in the UK in March,  so I’m going to have to wait until then, lets hope it delivers what it promises when some of us get our paws on one.